Rules & Regulations


For students

  1. DSMHS school provides education from Nursery to Class XII. Therefore, it is expected that the juniors are treated with love and affection by theirs seniors while they show due respect to their seniors.
  2. All students are expected to greet their school teachers when they meet them whether they actually teach them or not .
  3. Changing of classrooms between periods should be done in an orderly manner and silently. Students should not unnecessarily leave their class at the end of every period.
  4. No books (other than textbooks or library books ) , magazines , Cds, Pen Drive, etc should be brought to school. If they are brought, they will be confiscated.
  5. Do not bring any gadgets like mobile, I pods, tablets or any other articles is not allowed.
  6. Students are expected to respect school property. No student should damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on the walls irregular or in any way damage things belonging to others. Any school property damaged even by accident should be reported at once to the class teacher or to the Principal.
  7. They should not spoil or pluck flowers.
  8. Students are not allowed to bring any kind of object that can cause injury to others.
  9. Bullying , use of abusive and foul language, rowdy or violent behaviour in any form are punishable offences.
  10. Students are advised to keep their classroom , school building and campus as clean as possible and throw leftovers into the dustbin.
  11. Under no conditions a student is permitted to bring a Mobile telephone / smart watches to the school. If confiscated, it will not be returned.
  12. Students indulging in any form of violent or destructive activities will face disciplinary action including expulsion.
  13. The observance of rules of discipline of the school and good behaviour is an essential condition to a student’s continuation in the school. In case any student violates the school rules or indulges in any form of indiscipline, strict action like suspension shall be taken against the student.
  14. No attendance would be given to a student during the period of suspension.
  15. Bursting of crackers and playing with colours and any other such unwanted activity is liable to lead to expulsion of a student from the school.
  16. The students should not litter the school premises with wrappers , papers or polythene bags.
  17. Self – discipline is the forte of the school.

For Parents

Parents should carry out their responsibilities as educator in instilling in their children respect and strict obedience for all school rules and regulations.

  1. Students should always wear their school Id card.
  2. Parents are requested to go through their wards school diary regularly and sign the teacher’s remarks, if any.
  3. PTA meetings should be regularly attended to discuss the performance and progress of the child.
  4. Parents must check that the child carries books / note books according to time table.
  5. Children should do their homework by themselves unless they require some guidance.
  6. For the best result parents must motivate and support their child establish a proper study area. Homework must be given a priority in the daily schedule.
  7. In case homework has not been completed by the due date then it should be communicated clearly to the class teacher with reason that why the work was not done.
  8. Encourage your ward to read good books or play games, instead of viewing TV / Mobile phone.
  9. Parents are requested not to accompany their ward to the classrooms at arrival time. At dispersal time they should collect their wards from the school gate.
  10. Parents are not permitted to meet teachers during school hours . In special cases, parents may be allowed to meet the teacher with prior permission from the Principal / Vice Principal.
  11. Parents should ensure that their wards do not bring any objectionable books, magazine, picture or any other material that may violate the disciplinary norms of the school. Otherwise the same will be destroyed in the presence of student.
  12. Parents are also requested to ensure that their wards do not bring gift except to offer for distribution on birthdays. Students from class VI onwards should be in school uniform even on their birthday.
  13. Parents are requested to refrain from sending lunch boxes / notebook of their wards during school hours.
  14. Parents are requested to send their ward in neat and clean uniform.
  15. Parents are requested to inform the school if there is any change in address / Tel. numbers.
  16. The school has a system of fruit break for junior classes. You are requested to ensure that the child carries at least one fruit every day.
  17. Please do not give mobile phone to your child. If student is found carrying a mobile phone, it will be confiscated and a heavy fine will be imposed.
  18. Criticism of a teacher of the school in presence of a child must be scrupulously avoided as it causes students to lose respect for their teacher with the consequent failure to learn from her , thus retarding the child’s progress.
  19. Refrain from giving regular pocket money to your ward. Encourage healthy breakfast and give home cooked food in your wards tiffin and regulate their sleeping hour to atleast 8 hours a day.
  20. Parents should use the “ Leave Record “ form in the diary when applying for leave or explaining the absence of their children.

Contact Us

Salai Road, woraiyur,
Tamil nadu,
South India.

0431 2762181,
70944 33160, 70944 33162,
70944 33187, 70944 66487

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